

Charlot Reimert had juist Level 1 afgerond. Woensdag stuurde ze me een bericht met een filmpje van haar paard. Ze was gebeld dat haar paard niet meer kon lopen…

13 juni enthousiast begonnen aan de cursus Emmett4Horses.

Tot mijn grote schrik mijn eigen paardje ineens stok kreupel.. Okej wat ga ik doen dierenarts bellen want dit ziet er niet goed uit! Of zou ik eerst gaan behandelen ik weet nu de eerste punten. Mja dan ga je twijfelen.. ze is wel zo kreupel kan ik haar wel helpen?? Uiteindelijk dacht ik gelukkig; okej waarom ook niet.?. Al zou de pijn maar iets minder worden voor haar dan ben ik al blij! Nou heb alle punten behandeld van level 1 en tot mijn grote verbazing ging ze telkens iets beter lopen:):) en dan kom je op dat punt dat ze gewoon bijna niet meer kreupel loopt. Nou de filmpjes zitten er bij voor bewijs ik sta elke dag nog versteld!! Judith Van De Camp bedankt voor les geven !!!

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Dr Fleur Selkirk. BVSc(hons), IVAS Cert

Veterinary Surgeon and EMMETT 4 Dogs Practitioner
5 Stars

I am a small animal veterinarian who is also qualified with the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society.

I consult dogs and cats in general medicine and also see clients with their pets for veterinary acupuncture. After completing the Emmett4Dogs course 2 years ago. I use Emmett therapy daily in veterinary practice. Whether it is doing a few moves in a vaccination consult where I find the animal to be a bit sore, or in a lameness or medical consult, it is another effective treatment tool for me to use in veterinary practice I also now combine Emmett therapy with my veterinary acupuncture treatments and feel I am now seeing even bigger improvements and benefits in my patients. It is wonderful to have happy pets and owners leaving the clinic after an Emmett therapy treatment!

The Emmett4Dogs course is taught with a very practical emphasis with great tuition and guidance, which helps you to leave the course and start using the Emmett moves immediately on pets, family and friends. It's not only my furry friends that benefit from Emmett, I still use the human moves taught in the course on my family and myself!

Dr Grant W Harris BVSc Grad Dip(anim chiro)

Veterinary Surgeon and EMMETT 4 Horses Practitioner
5 Stars

I am a practicing Veterinarian who predominantly assesses and treats lameness and functional problems in horses and dogs My work initially centred around chiropractic and osteopathic techniques but I after copletmg the five levels of the EMMETT Technique 4 Horses. I now use EMMETT extensively and find I it invaluable in almost every horse I treat I cherish its value as a technique in its own right as well as com-plementary to others, as do the animals who receive it.

Dr. Greg Connell. B. App. Sc. (Chiro)

EMMETT 4 Dogs Practitioner
5 Stars

I began my career in 1984 as a Chiropractor for humans. In 1986 I was asked to treat a Dalmatian and thus began my Journey of Chiropractic and Dogs.

While achieving excellent result with Chiropractic my success rate improved exponentially after being introduced to Emmett and doing the 5 Dog modules.

The combination of therapies is exceptional and at those time that only muscle work needs to be done then there is nothing better than Emmett for achieving muscle correction and overall balance.

Dr. Alana Dowdell. DVP, CVPP

Veterinary Surgeon and EMMETT 4 Dogs Practitioner
5 Stars

Through Emmett training. I gained the skill of actually examining fascia. Now I understand where the common spots for trigger points are and what they feel like. More importantly, I can provide my patients with some instant relief in the consultation room. Most cats and dogs (and even a goat!) readily accept Emmett treatment, and we can then demonstrate pre- and post-treatment improvement in range of motion, muscle tension, and mobility. It’s also a great option when clients are needle phobic and aren't keen on acupuncture.

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